21 Things for a Christian to Do While Fasting

Now that the holidays are over and the feasting has added several inches to the waistline, it’s time to tune up both physically and spiritually. Thoroughly convinced that we need to push back from the table, we seek to expend more time and energy developing other aspects of our being – giving the mouth and […]
When you Fast

Fasting is not a “command” in Scripture but an expectation: Jesus said “When you fast,” (Matthew 6:16), not if. It seems He assumes that His followers will practice this discipline. Also, in Matthew 9:14-15, Jesus tells the disciples that when He goes back to heaven, they will resume the practice of fasting even though […]
A Meatless Fast for All of Us

I used to think of fasting as strictly going without food of any kind for a period of time, hopefully as short as possible, and usually permitting drinks as needed. Even then, one day was all I could handle, and I only attempted the experiment a few times while at Bible college. Ironically, it’s still […]
A Path to Wellness

The numbers 87 and 160 have impacted my life in a very significant way. These numbers represent the two extremes of my body weight over the last four years. Currently, while managing the responsibilities of a husband, children, and Crohn’s disease, I weigh about 135 pounds. The struggle with my weight and health over the […]
When Worlds Collide: God and the Planets

God finely tuned many factors to make Earth a habitable planet for advanced life (Isaiah 45:18). One of those factors is the relatively large Moon which stabilizes our planet’s spin axis. Earth would literally flip over without the Moon and would be uninhabitable for advanced life due to the resulting catastrophic climate and seasonal changes. […]
Lemongrass Foot Bath

Lemongrass Foot Bath 3 drops lemongrass oil2 drops rose oil3 qt warm waterTo make a foot bath, add about 3 drops of lemongrass oil and 2 drops of rose oil to 3 quarts of warm water in a small tub. Stir well and keep your feet in the water for at least 20 minutes.
Lemongrass Broth

Lemongrass Broth 1 qt. water2 stalks lemongrass (cut into pieces)1 tsp. sea salt2 garlic cloves 1 ½ tsp. black peppercorns (whole)1 bay leaf * In a small sauce pot, bring water to a boil.* In a medium bowl combine the following ingredients; lemongrass, salt, garlic, black pepper and bay leaf.* Pour hot water over herb […]
3 Types of Fast

There are many different types of fast. Most fasts will fall under three main categories: absolute, normal and partial. Absolute No food or water is taken. This fast should only be undertaken with medical consultation and supervision. Normal Only liquids are drunk, especially water. This fast has also been known as a water or liquid […]
Examples of Biblical Fasting

Absolute or Full Fast In the Old Testament, it was during a forty day fast when Moses was given the Ten Commandments (Exodus 34: 27-28). When Esther heard about Haman’s plans to destroy the Jews, she asked all the Jews in her city to join her on a three day fast without food and water […]
21 Ways to Sabotage a Fast!

There are ways to fast and there are ways to ruin a fast. Here are 21 ways to sabotage a fast. Hopefully, you’ll learn what not to do in order to have a successful fast. The Battle of the Foods 1. Go grocery shopping just before the fast begins and buy and store your favorite […]