I love this time of year-Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are reminded to be thankful and to give. But what if these same sentiments overflowed into every day of the year?
The Bible instructs us clearly to be thankful always during the good and the bad times. And, of course, we are also reminded by the Holy Scriptures that it is better to give than to receive. A heart of gratitude and a spirit of giving should be exercised in the same way we should work out-consistently until they become as natural as breathing. Let us, therefore, commit in our hearts to be thankful in all circumstances and to be cheerful givers every day. Let Thanksgiving and Christmas be a time to focus on God’s goodness and not a time of gluttony or indulgence.
November is diabetes awareness month which is a good reminder for all of us to monitor the amount of carbohydrates we consume in our diet, especially during the holiday season. Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease. The instructions given to diabetics are not limited to them who are plagued with this disease. Though I am not a diabetic, I live by the same dietary guidance. Too many carbohydrates in our diet will lead to elevated levels of blood sugar. Just as too much of anything can lead to complications in the body. Moderation is definitely the operative word here.
We have divided this issue on Silence and Solitude into our Thanksgiving and Christmas editions respectively. Look out for our Christmas issue next month. Until then, may you have a blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas.