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5 Happy Foods That Prevent Depression

Almost everyone, at some point, has dealt with a form of depression whether through a friend, family member, or even personally. The American Medical Association states that one out of every two Americans will experience a mood related mental health issue during his or her lifetime. It is no surprise that a large number of people have turned to prescription drugs and other sources for help.  Could there be other answers? One of the biggest factors affecting brain chemistry and mood is food. Certain super foods can boost serotonin, which is the brain’s feel-good hormone and is directly related to mood and depression. Altering your diet by simple food additions and changes is a natural way to combat feelings of depression and promote feelings of happiness.

Happy Foods

1. Salmon
This fatty cold water fish is loaded with protein which helps stabilize blood sugar and is a natural source of Tryptophan, the amino acid found to relieve depression. It also contains vitamin D that fights seasonal depression.

2. Spinach
Popeye is not the only one who knows the benefits of this vegetable.  It is high in Folate, a mineral that is key in serotonin production. Also, the fiber in spinach stabilizes blood sugar and moves food through the digestive system maintaining regularity which should make everyone happy.

3. Whole Grain Bread
Carbohydrates play a big role in the production of serotonin. The carbs in whole grains break down and release sugar slowly into the blood stream which prevents spikes in blood sugar affecting mood.

4. Blueberries
This delicious super fruit is a natural energy and mood booster. It is high in antioxidants that absorb free radicals produced by stress.

5. Sunflower Seeds
A handful of these little seeds can be enough to experience a significant change in mood in a short period of time. They are an excellent source of magnesium and folic acid which are mood-affecting nutrients.

Chocolate is a common pick-me-up for many but it is only a temporary fix by causing a sugar high followed by an inevitable crash and ultimately weight gain. Healthy “happy foods” will help combat those dreaded blues. So the next time you or someone you know, is feeling down in the dumps, a sure-fire cure may be just a snack away.


Challem, Jack.The Food Mood. Hboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2007.

Deardorff, Julie. “Foods to Fight Depression”. Chicago Tribune.

Norden, Michael. Beyond Prozac. New York: HaperCollins, 1995.

Robertson, Joel et tal. Natural Prozac. New York: HarperCollins, 1997.

Silva, Christine. “10 Happy Foods: Fight Depression and Fatigue Naturally.” 

Norden, Michael. Beyond Prozac. New York: HaperCollins, 1995.

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Christina Thompson

Christina Thompson is currently pursuing a degree in English at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia . When not focusing on her education, Christina enjoys reading, writing, spending time with friends, and participating in various volunteer and church activities.

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