A Meditation Exercise

If you’re new to meditation, then this particular exercise will launch you on your journey to developing a more peaceful life. The meditation exercise is as simple as breathing but not necessarily as easy as breathing. But with practice, you can begin to cultivate the fruit of the spirit “peace” with ease: But the Holy […]
POEM: Journey of a Smile

God’s Spirit brings peace to a person’s inner being. This peace travels through the mind – lighting it up; The rays pour out from the eyes causing them to shine brightly. The heart gets a sense of contentment, unfettered by any worry or cares of the world. There is a swelling, feeling of happiness that […]
Using Stories to Resolve Conflict

When I took Luke, my five-year-old, to his first major league baseball game, I knew that he might have a short attention span, so I chose to layer on a small bit of “inside” stuff each inning. We would, therefore, have a fascinating extended conversation for nine innings. What an illusion that was. My plan […]
Beyond Recovery to Discovery: Finding Peace in the Addictions

Addiction is the prevailing modern disease. Lacking an inner sense of fulfillment, we attach ourselves to people, drugs, things, behaviors, feelings and work to seek satisfaction. Scott Peck, renowned author of The Road Less Traveled, describes addictions as the modern idols. Having left God, our first love, we bow down to the shrines of various […]
Peace in the Home

How Can I Create a Home Where Peace Resides?“I’ll see everyone back here at one o’clock after lunch,” our workshop trainer instructed. I quickly gathered my pocketbook and bolted out the door towards the spot my husband of 22 years and I had agreed to meet at break time. As soon as we saw each […]
Cultivating Lasting Peace

Focus on these scriptures for cultivating lasting peace. Pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18). Enter His gates with thanksgiving And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the LORD is good; His loving kindness is everlasting […]
Shalom: The Meaning of Health and Wellness

Shalom, such a simple word, yet encompassing such a profound meaning. Most English versions translate it as “peace”; unfortunately, that word does not convey its fullness. In the Hebrew, the noun (shalom) comes from the verb (Sh.L.M). The verb shalom means to “restore” in the sense of replacing or providing what is needed in order […]