Cancer Fighting Foods

Despite years of research with billions of dollars spent per year, the conventional medical establishment’s “war on cancer” has been a dismal failure. “Despite some gains, cancer death rates remain unacceptably high, and the disease will kill 554,740 people in the U.S. this year,” wrote J. Madeleine Nash in a special edition of Time Magazine […]
DEVOTION: The Only Voice that Matters

When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice (John 10:4). While not a fan of Facebook and Twitter, I am a blog reader. I read blogs about cooking, parenting, homeschooling, crafting, Bible study, and marriage. I love to read! […]
Prayer L’Chaim (To Life)

Prayer — it is our most powerful weapon in HaShem’s (G-d’s) arsenal for the believer. It is that unique, two-way communication with the creator and sustainer of life, yet far too many do not avail themselves of this awesome privilege. Barna Group reported several years back that the average believer prays for 30 seconds per […]