My ‘Humble’ Lessons from Astronomy on Humility


As a graduate student in the space sciences, I’ve learned a thing or two about humility. Namely, that to succeed in my career, I need a good dose of it. We scientists can have pretty large egos—if you’ve ever seen the character of Leonard Hofstadter in the CBS sitcom, “The Big Bang Theory,”  you know […]

To Enjoy God is to Worship Him

worship God

Fully to enjoy is to glorify.  In commanding us to glorify Him, God is inviting us to enjoy Him. ~C.S. Lewis When I first became a follower of Christ, I didn’t really know Him very well.  So when I heard that I was supposed to glorify Him, there was a little nagging feeling that He […]

Humility: Self-Emptying


I have never heard a sermon on Humility. This is a Biblical topic that is little understood and even less practiced. In a culture of rights and privileges the idea of humility runs counter to the broader community and within much of the Church. The newly-elected Pope (Francis 1), known for his humility, is quietly […]

Humility: The Path to Healing

humility healing

In typical Rabbi fashion, we will begin with a question. Are you ready?  Say the first thing that comes to your mind – What was the first sin? Times up. Did you say eating the fruit in Gan Eden (Garden of Eden).  If so, great choice, but there was one sin that occurred even before […]

Humility: Living Authentically

humility authentic

As human beings, our prideful nature usually calls us to focus on ourselves the “I” and “Me”.  The simplest definition of humility is not being focused on self. Too often and in many situations, we let our egos get in the way. It becomes important to us how we feel others will think of us […]

A Better Way

January 23rd, 2008 was to be just like any other day, or so I thought. I went to bed the night before little knowing how much pain I would wake up in the next morning. I awoke after having slept on my stomach, which I never did, in pain. I had an excruciating pain in […]

Kosher for Health-Part 2 (Steps to Kosher)

People are becoming more and more aware of what they eat and drink and how it impacts them — both physically and mentally. Many start eating kosher for health reasons. In our last article, we looked at  foods that are considered kosher, when we eat them, and what is used to prepare the kosher products.  […]

Self Esteem and the Impact of Shame 2

self esteem shame

In my last article, which was the introduction to “Self Esteem-Identity Theft“, I talked about a need to feel loved, significant, and competent. These needs are fulfilled in your God-given identity through a personal relationship with Christ.  So what is it that makes it so hard to accept your true identity? You have memorized scriptures […]

Fight Hypertension: Less Salt and More Potassium Rich Foods

fight hypertension

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). It is God’s will that you prosper in all things. His plan is for you to be prosperous in all areas of your life. The Bible tells us that God takes great pleasure […]

The Health Benefits of Sardine

Did you know that, ounce for ounce, sardines provide more protein than a steak and, among fish, have the highest levels of omega 3 fatty acids?  Well, I know that my early dietary standards did not consider  sardines a health food.  As a matter of fact, I viewed sardines as an acquired taste and a […]

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