Simplicity: Health in the Balance
Overwhelmed by the velocity of their lives, we turn to prescription drugs, which helps explain why America runs on Xanax (and why rehab admissions for benzodiazepines, the ingredient in Xanax and other anti-anxiety drugs, have tripled since the late 1990s). We also spring for the false rescue of multitasking, which saps attention even when the […]
Stay Low Stay Close
The Pressure to SimplifySimplifying is all the rage these days. The world around us says that if we just simplify, we will finally have it all together. There are countless blogs and books about how to simplify your home and life. There are even people who are able to make a career out of being […]
Couch Potato Commercial Work Out
September is Cholesterol awareness month. Most of the time we are walk around with high cholesterol and may not even know it. As a child when I was in the sixth grade I was diagnosed with high cholesterol having levels well above 400. That is something an 11 year old should not think about and […]
Simplicity: Living from the Divine Center
Simplicity in our lives means establishing G-d as our divine center. This is the opposite of what we see today rampant in society, where we put ourselves (the self) in the center of our lives. I remember when participating in Prison Ministry, we had a tract called the “4 Spiritual Laws” (Campus Crusade for Christ). […]
Reversing High Cholesterol Levels
Cholesterol is a steroid necessary for the maintenance of the body’s cells. Cholesterol also plays a role in the manufacture of female and male hormones. “The fact is that cholesterol, unless it is oxidized, is a valuable nutrient that the body has to manufacture everyday in order to help build the membrane of new cells […]
5 Ways to Simplify your Life
Technology has revolutionized our lives and made possible things that seemed like Science Fiction fifty years ago.Just think about it. People are carrying around powerful computers small enough to fit in their pockets; and they are able to instantly connect to billions of other computers all over the world through the Internet.At the same time, […]
Voyager Leaving the Solar System
In 1609, Galileo opened the world’s eyes to a whole new vista of the intricate beauty of the cosmos through the telescope. Prior to this, we had assumed that the 5 naked-eye visible planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, along with the Earth, all enclosed within a thin glass shell enveloping us in a […]
Simple Balm Oils
With the change of seasons to cooler, drier air, many of us will notice our skin and lips feeling dry, itchy, or chapped. Many of us will also suffer our first bout of a respiratory infection. Many of us are hesitant to use commercial lip balms and bath products, not knowing the safety and purity […]
Green with Envy
“Too busy! Too much to do and too little time to do it! Gotta be a good multi-tasker to be successful!” Round and round and round we go on the stress-filled “merry-go-round of success.” I deal with it frequently in my work and my personal commitments. It’s enough to drive a person mad! Ever wonder […]
Empowering South Africa
My husband and I, personally understand the diversity of needs through our yearly mission trips to South Africa over the past twelve years. We have witnessed first-hand the spread of AIDS/HIV, lack of clean water, hunger and increased unemployment. In 2007, Life Connection Ministries (LCM), a nonprofit organization developed by my husband and I to […]