An Interview with Dr. Toni Alvarado on Rest and the Sabbath


One would think that the art of resting is easy. It is simple but not easy for those who lead busy lives with many responsibilities. There seems to be a mechanism built within us that makes us want to do without resting. Perhaps, that is the obvious reason, then, that God created a Sabbath for […]

Learning the Hard Way: The Sabbath Lesson

Life is a journey and the best part about it is learning on the way. Something feels off. How did we become like this? Become like what? So busy that we have little or no time for ourselves, much less for anyone else, especially our loved ones? Even in the name of God, we seem […]

Your Lunch Work Out

You need this job, but this job is killing you. Unwanted weight gain is not the only reason to be concerned when faced with a sit down job. Sitting on your butt 7 hours a day has now been proven to be detrimental to your health, increasing the risk of death up to 40%. In other […]

I am so Busy I Need the Sabbath


I am so busy. I was asked to write this article about the Sabbath, yet rest is the very thing I need right now. If I even attempted to explain how busy I am, it would take me the length of this article to describe all the things I have to do everyday in order […]

The Joy of the Sabbath

joy of sabbath

Sabbath (Shabbat as it is called in Hebrew) is one of the healthiest, joyful and family friendly celebrations we can partake in.  Sadly, in the last 60 years, it is also the most neglected by believers in many denominations.  Just looking at old TV reruns we can see how much our attitude of Sabbath has […]

Vitamin B: The De-Stressor

According to Scofield, the author of Work Site Promotion, current statistics show that between 70% and 80% of all visits to physicians are for stress-related disorders. Chronic stress directly affects the immune system and seriously compromises health.  Stress promotes the formation of free radicals and can be defined as a reaction to any stimulus that […]

Sabbath Today! An Island in Time

woman on the beach

Today I get to…or have you ever said to yourself , “I am so tired; I can’t seem to catch up with everything. I need to do, or, things seem to just be going faster and faster and I can’t keep up”. Well, of course we all have said these or other related phrases with the […]

A Walk in the Garden

A lovely garden is good for your body, mind and spirit.

The State of Stress  Many believe these times are the most stressful in history.  Each of my clients is required to fill out a questionnaire prior to our first session. One of the most interesting questions I ask is, “Do you frequently experience stress?” At least 97% of my clients answer, “YES!” When I ask […]

The Sun: A Sabbath Walk in the Sunshine

The days of creation mentioned in Genesis 1 and 2 deal with Gods purposeful, creative acts, but what about Day 7? What did God create on the 7th day? Scripture tells us he rested, yet he was still exercising his creative power-by resting he created the very concept of rest, or Sabbath. Most Christians officially […]

Eat Spinach to Prevent Oxidative Stress

eat spinach

Popeye the Sailor Man had it right. Eating your spinach can help strengthen your body and defend against hard hitting nemeses like oxidative stress caused by free radicals.  Spinach is the queen of the dark green leafy vegetables and carries a huge arsenal of antioxidants that will build a strong immune system and balance unstable […]

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