5 Creative Ways I Experienced God’s Healing Power

I don’t know about you, but I always thought creative people were born, not made. Some people were “good” at art, and some were not. Some people could sing, and some could not. It was that simple. I mean, if you’re not doing something in order to be “really good” at it, then why bother […]
Honduras: For Such A Time As This

Honduras Mission Trip It was a Sunday – our first full day in Honduras. It was a very beautiful and quite comfortable Spring day for this time, prior to ministering about the power of the blood of Jesus at the morning service, we walked around the very primitive village of Solares Nuevos, a village of […]
Are you Right or Left Brain Thinker

Do you think with your left brain or your right brain? In 1981, Dr. Roger Sperry was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology for his discovery of the specialization of both cerebral hemispheres. He learned that both sides of the brain can reason and learn, but by different methods, and that one side may be dominant. He […]
Creativity and the Spiritual Journey

Creativity is a remarkable characteristic that most people admire in others, rarely recognize in themselves and often assume is personally unattainable. Ironically, the business world recognizes the value of creativity more easily than does the Church or the School. Isn’t it time to reverse the perspective? We are created in the image of God. This, […]
Lavender: Dance in the Scent of Creativity

You have been given an assignment to devise a new and unique solution to a problem. The deadline is approaching, and you haven’t even come up with the first clue. A thick fog of exhaustion, confusion, and anxiety over the situation stagnates your typically logical and analytical mind. All you can seem to come up […]