An Interview with Brenda Stockdale – Creativity and Healing

Have you ever wondered why God created such a variety of different species, plants, and even people? Creativity is certainly an attribute of the Creator. No wonder research now reveals that creativity can lead to healing in our body, mind and soul. Listen to the interview on Creativity and Healing by Brenda Stockdale. Stockdale is […]
On Creativity

It’s funny how I saw things as a child. Church was boring and suffocating and adults were immature and silly at times. But thankfully, as an adult, I see things much clearer now. Yes, religion can be stifling and adults can be totally stultifying! Children, on the other hand, are spontaneous and refreshing, and naturally […]
Stair Workout

Model: Lenox Wilson No Excuses! You can do these stair exercises almost anywhere. Stair Workout! 1.Run up / jog down 2. Lunge-Depending on the width of the steps, take two steps at a time 3. Stair Jumps-Stand facing bottom of staircase. Squat down and jump up steps using a double arm swing. Upon landing, immediately jump up […]
Papaya Salad

Papaya is a nutritious fruit that is very easy to digest and contributes to the digestion of other foods. It contains small amount of an enzyme. This enzyme is capable of digesting 200 times its own weight in proteins. Add this papaya recipe to your holistic health and wellness. INGREDIENTS 1 small green papaya, OR 1/2 […]
A tick, A Tragedy, A Miracle

I’m fifty-nine and living in a tiny cottage I designed and built myself in the midst of densely forested woods. My property borders thousands of acres of protected land in central Florida. As the pastel shades of dusk soothe a hot summer’s day in June of 2002, I bathe myself in my outdoor shower. Can […]
Papaya: A True Superfood

The term superfood is sometimes used to describe food with high nutrient or phytochemical content that may confer health benefits, with few properties considered to be negative. Some of the most common superfoods are blueberries, broccoli and spinach. Although these foods are nutrient rich, their versatility pales when compared to papaya. The papaya hails from […]
5 Fitness Ideas for a Creative Workout

Just as God made each one of us unique and individual, underneath the surface we are all composed of the same muscles, organs, and bones. In our many different personalities, it is fair to say that we all don’t like working out the same way. In today’s society there is always a new fad coming […]
Creativity and the Holy Breath

Creativity at its height can be seen as a manifestation of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Breath or Spirit). As quoted by Rabbi Shaul (Paul) above, G-d’s Spirit gives knowledge of His will, wisdom and understanding. Our Rabbis teach that part of G-d is unknowable, beyond our human ability to comprehend; but He presents many of […]
Intelligent Creative Design

I believe the Universe and Earth, in particular, where complex life like us can exist, are so creatively designed that perhaps the Intelligent Design movement isn’t quite on track: Creative Design better gets at the heart of God’s involvement with his own creation. I marvel that it takes a whole Universe (most or all of […]
Creativity, God and Us

It’s interesting to note that the first two chapters of Genesis (the beginning of creation) at the beginning of the Bible open with themes of creativity. God’s inspiration and creativity resulted in the creation of our world and us. God was the first Creator; His creativity was born out of love for us and this […]