De-Cluttering: In Nature and Us

In NatureEver notice how all the plants turn brown in the fall and disappear during winter? How the annual plants disappear completely; while the perennials only die back to their root-stocks? I’ve come to realize that Nature/God is “cleaning house” or de-cluttering the natural habitats of old, worn out growth to make room for […]
How to Keep your Eyes Healthy

Good vision is an essential part of one’s day to day existence. We often take for granted how well our eyes work but we must take steps to maintain healthy vision. Everyone, from infants to adults, should have an eye exam to assess the health and vision of their eyes. The American Optometric Association (AOA) […]
More Space for the Christian Perspective

Christian astronaut Charlie Duke collecting geological samples by a small crater on the Moon. You can see the lunar rover behind him on the far side of the crater.He, along with fellow astronaut John Young, explored the lunar Descartes Highlands in 1972.“Image credit: NASA/Charlie Duke Since the end of the Apollo manned Moon landings in […]
Cleaning Out the Clutter

Feeling overwhelmed and can’t see your way out of the demands that clutter your life? Sometimes in our microwave society, where everything is push button ready, it seems impossible to imagine that we can manage our time, stay one step ahead of things, and still have an enjoyable life. In the movie “Multiplicity”, Michael Keaton […]