Leeks with Salmon

Try this simple tasty recipe and enjoy the fresh invigorating taste of leeks. Ingredients: 2 stalks leeks1 medium onion1 garlic clove1 Sprig basil1lb sock eye salmon Instructions: Slice leeks and onions. Chop garlic into pieces. Sautee vegetables and season with sea salt and pepper. Wash fish and season with seasoned sea salt . Place fish in […]
Eating with the Season: The Benefits of Fall Foods and How they Prepare Us for the Seasonal Change

Autumn, what an awesome creation by our Creator! Along with its magnificent beauty, Fall brings a beautiful harvest for us all to appreciate and enjoy. As summer’s light, refreshing fruits and vegetables fade away, incoming crops provide us with a different fuel. With cooling temperatures, we need foods that generate warmth and sustained energy. Eating […]
Top Six Exercises That Work

As a professional fitness model and personal trainer, I work out and train clients to get results. Here are five of my favorite exercises that target specific muscles in the body for the purpose of toning and keeping away fat in certain areas that are proned. These exercises can be done in the gym or at home with weights or creative apparatus, such […]
The Most Common Cancer in Men

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, striking one in every six men during their lifetime. The Prostate gland is located under the base of the bladder and is part of the male reproductive system. In cancer, there is an uncontrolled division of cells thus forming an abnormal growth or mass and causing destruction of adjacent […]
Healing Power of Leeks

I recently made an awesome soup pot requiring more than two cups of chopped leeks. Leeks are usually added to a dish for flavor, not nutritional value. I have to admit that the soup was very tasty and had a wonderful “oniony” flavor. Leeks are a member of the lily family which includes garlic and […]
It Whispers

Ovarian cancer is often called the “silent” cancer because the symptoms can be vague or only a “whisper”, often going unnoticed until the disease has progressed to an advanced stage. Early detection is especially important for ovarian cancer to ensure the most effective treatment. You can help protect yourself by knowing your body and recognizing […]
Abba House-Place of Healing

I was born just outside of Atlanta, Georgia in Forsyth County. Although I was raised in a Christian home, I never truly knew what love was. I found it hard to believe that a God I had never seen loved me, and so much that He would send His Son to die for me? That […]
Bring Home the Essence of His Creation-Cedarwood

“Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and there he placed the man he had made. The Lord God made all sorts of trees grow up from the ground, trees that were beautiful and that produced delicious fruit. And God saw that it was good!…” [The gold of that land […]
The Heavens on Display Part II

Every other issue I like to walk you through some awe-inspiring views of different parts of God’s Cosmos. May these views of the heavens truly turn our gaze heavenward. Space shuttle Atlantis re-enters the atmosphere during the Space Shuttle Program’s 135th and final flight. An astronaut on the International Space Station took this nighttime image […]
Fostering a Loving Atmosphere in the Home: Love, the Essence of a Home

The question has been asked many times, “What makes a house a home?” The common answer is love. When true love is exchanged in a household, bricks, mortar, wood and tile take on true life. Love is life, because life is God. In order to foster a loving atmosphere in the home, God’s love must […]