A Meditation for the Environment

Deep within me (and I suspect many of you) is the urge to find a clean quiet place to seek peace and solitude– free of the hustle and bustle of people moving around at a frantic pace. SEEKING THAT PLACE I seek those moments to meditate and reflect on things when the pressures of a fast-paced human […]
The Cool Cucumber

THE CUCUMBER IS REALLY COOL AFTERALLWhen I first heard the phrase ‘cool as a cucumber’ I said to myself, “Wow, what makes the cucumber so cool? Is it because the cucumber is cool to touch or is it just something clever or hip to say?” Actually, the cucumber is pretty darn cool!! Here is a […]
The Secret of Meditation: From the Mind of an Athlete

What is Christian meditation?With the influence of eastern culture now permeating our lives, it is imperative for us to examine one of the most important spiritual disciplines for the believer today-meditation. A common question is, “How does Christian meditation differ from Eastern meditation?” Christian meditation is about “filling the mind”, whereas Eastern meditation is about […]
The Christian Meditation

“Be Still, and Know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 NRSV Meditation and ScriptureThere are many verses in Holy Scripture which refer to the presence of God with us, but most of the time we are unconscious of this reality. Often, we are so preoccupied with the affairs of daily living that we are distracted from […]