

Myrrh smells warm, spicy, and bitter with smoky and musky undertones.  Myrrh is the “aromatic resin of a number of small, thorny tree species of the genus Commiphora“.  The plant dates as far back as the Egyptians who mummified their dead with it.  It was also one of the gifts the Three Wise Men brought Jesus to signify […]

The Health Benefits of Meditation

meditation health benefits

Stressed out! Sick! Stuck in a rut! Try the act of meditation. The health benefits will shock you. Meditation is simple; however, disciplining the body and the mind may require a little more work, but the rewards far out weigh the sacrifice. Here’s what science has to say about meditation: A 2007 national Government survey […]

Cool Cucumber Recipes

cool cucumber recipes

Cucumber Basil Salad 1 large cucumber (peeled and thinly sliced)1 large peach (peeled and cubed)1 stalk celery (thinly sliced)5 basil leaves (roughly chopped)½ cup rice vinegarSalt and Pepper to taste Combine ingredients and serve. Cucumber Melon Sorbet 2 large cucumber (peeled and seeded)1 cup Cantaloupe (chopped)1 tsp. salt1 tsp. ginger (grated)½  cup raw sugar¾ cup […]

Malaysia: Fit for the Jungle

Malaysia outreach

Wow! On a 3-hour ride into the jungles of Malaysia, we swayed and bounced in the open backs of Land Rovers to reach some of the more remote villages. Traveling with our local hosts, wonderful people with generous hearts, most of us were from the World Harvest Church in Roswell, Georgia. Now it’s hot and […]

Entering into the Grace of Silence

silent retreat

I’m a talker by nature. As a child, my father would say, “This is my daughter, Beth.  She has a speech impediment—she has to breathe.” I grew up in the Quaker tradition, so I was used to worship including extended periods of silence. It was not a natural fit, or so I thought. Later,  I […]

Prayer Exercises: Entering God’s Presence

Introduction Before we begin our time together in prayer and meditation, I would like to make a few suggestions to aid concentration: 1. Find a place of relative peace and quiet where you may remain undisturbed by the distracting sounds of telephones, television sets, and conversation. 2. Settle yourself into a comfortable position on a cushioned […]

Food for Thought

healthy eating

The Bible tells us in Joshua 1:8 to “meditate on the word of God” day and night. Through the practice of meditation, we can achieve a closer connection to God and become more in tune with our bodies. It is often thought that the only factor affecting the ability to meditate is the mind. Although […]

Eternity’s Lens

  “May the Words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight. O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19: 13-14). My husband, Phil, and I recently attended a “Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage” conference with speaker Mark Gungor. It was really encouraging, funny, and rather […]

Thoughts to Ponder: Beyond the Cosmos

God's transcendence

How can confusing points in Christian doctrine be explained from God’s existence beyond our four dimensional spacetime?  God’s transcendence, after all, is predicted by both modern cosmology and the Bible. For example, how can God hear the prayers of billions of people all at once? We live in one dimension of time–our time line. But […]

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