Butterflies: Nature’s Inner Beauty
“Nowadays butterflies seem to be fewer in number. Though they rank only second to bees as beneficial pollinators of fruits and other crops, some butterfly populations have decreased to the point of extinction. “Read more in LiveLiving Christian Health and Wellness eMagazine, p14.
3 Steps to Attain Inner Beauty
“What is real beauty? If the only definition of beauty is a certain facial structure or body type that only a miniscule percentage of people will ever attain, we’re all in trouble!” Read the full article, 3 Steps to Attain Inner Beauty” by Stacy Blackmon in the current edition of LiveLiving Christian Health and Wellness eMagazine, […]
Becoming Acquainted with the REAL You
“God created you form the inside out; therefore you must look inside to see that beautiful, intricately created being.”Read more of Inner Beauty: Becoming Acquainted with the Real You by Pamela Randolph, Ph.D. in LiveLiving Christian health and wellness eMagazine, page 7.