Let My Light Shine

Inner beauty is Christ Himself. It is not Christ empowering us, or giving us extra light so we can shine “for” Him (2 Cor. 4:7). Inner beauty is Christ Himself shining through our “jars of clay.” So, the question is not if we have inner beauty but whether or not it shines through. In his […]
Daniel Fast: Restricted Diet or Fast?

Is the “Daniel Fast” a restricted diet or a real fast? THE SPIRITUAL APPROACH In recent years, many churches have become actively involved in health matters. We know our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, and we honor God when we take care of our complete selves-spirit, mind and body. At my own […]
Fasting: The Physical Means of Attaining Spirituality

It’s about four o’clock in the morning. The house is peaceful. The kids are asleep. I can perceive the central heating humming rhythmically in the background; besides my laptop, the only thing I hear in the house is my son rustling in the bed. This is a good moment for me. Currently, my heart […]
Fasting: A Physical Means to Attaining Spirituality

This time is essential for me to develop into who God has called me to be. The solitude is satisfying to my soul. But, wait what is that noise I hear? “It’s my twitter notification”… Read more of Fasting: A Physical Means to Attaining Spirituality by Anthony Bass, page 8-9 in the Fasting edition of LiveLiving […]
21 Things to do While Fasting

“While books and programs explain the mechanics of fasting and the various methods of doing so, people are often left wondering what they can or should do during this period of abstention. Keep in mind, the focus is not on denial but on increasing intimacy with God. Here are some suggested activities”…Read more on 21 […]
Making Room for God

LiveLiving eMagazine, Fasting edition, cover The physical benefits of fasting are phenomenal in transforming our life and health. Fasting is an opportunity for believers to be disciplined in making room for God in mind, body and spirit. Read more of “The Physical Benefits of a Fast” by Blynthia Hall in LiveLiving Christian Health and Wellness eMagazine, […]
Turn Down Your Plate and Draw Near to Him

“A fast is a time when we turn down our plate to draw closer to God. A spiritual fast is never a method for weight loss.” Visit www.LiveLiving.org to read more of “The Daniel Fast Restricted Diet or Spiritual Fast” by Kara Davis, MD in LiveLiving eMagazine, page 10 – 11.
Sculpturing the Body

“Being a former amateur bodybuilder, I have seen the worship of the human body. Though I shared, too, in the enjoyment of this sport, I couldn’t quite bring myself to the point of self-adoration. In other words, I could not worship the creature itself. I had to find my Creator in this beauty. Obviously, if […]
How To Sabotage Your Fast!

LiveLiving eMagazine, Fasting edition, cover Are you fasting?Have you seen the latest edition of LiveLiving eMagazine?Visit LiveLiving Christian Health and Wellness eMagazine, page 21 for 21 Ways to Sabotage While Fasting by Ellie Grimes, Blynthia Hall and Paula Wynn.