Butterflies: Nature’s Inner Beauty
“Nowadays butterflies seem to be fewer in number. Though they rank only second to bees as beneficial pollinators of fruits and other crops, some butterfly
“Nowadays butterflies seem to be fewer in number. Though they rank only second to bees as beneficial pollinators of fruits and other crops, some butterfly
“It is said that after the age of 25, we begin to lose 10 percent of our muscles every 10 years. Because muscle is a
The World says image is everything. Everyday billboards reflect models with thin physiques. We feel tremendous pressure to conform to the images we see around
“What is real beauty? If the only definition of beauty is a certain facial structure or body type that only a miniscule percentage of people
“God created you form the inside out; therefore you must look inside to see that beautiful, intricately created being.”Read more of Inner Beauty: Becoming Acquainted
Stretching regularly offers you many tremendous benefits such as increasing your range of motion so you can reach to a top shelf or bend over
And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree
I spent a day and half in total rebellion. “What do you mean I can’t talk while eating,” Click here to read more about “Silence Spoken
It was 1980, when kids played outside more often than not and the streetlights coming on was the indicator that they should go home. It
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the imagination is a powerful tool that God wants to use. Through the imagination we can experience God
“Nowadays butterflies seem to be fewer in number. Though they rank only second to bees as beneficial pollinators of fruits and other crops, some butterfly
“It is said that after the age of 25, we begin to lose 10 percent of our muscles every 10 years. Because muscle is a
The World says image is everything. Everyday billboards reflect models with thin physiques. We feel tremendous pressure to conform to the images we see around
“What is real beauty? If the only definition of beauty is a certain facial structure or body type that only a miniscule percentage of people
“God created you form the inside out; therefore you must look inside to see that beautiful, intricately created being.”Read more of Inner Beauty: Becoming Acquainted
Stretching regularly offers you many tremendous benefits such as increasing your range of motion so you can reach to a top shelf or bend over
And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree
I spent a day and half in total rebellion. “What do you mean I can’t talk while eating,” Click here to read more about “Silence Spoken
It was 1980, when kids played outside more often than not and the streetlights coming on was the indicator that they should go home. It
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the imagination is a powerful tool that God wants to use. Through the imagination we can experience God
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