People often think that scientific advances diminish or destroy any rational belief in the God of the Bible. But many major discoveries, particularly in the area of astronomy, actually substantiate various aspects of the Christian faith, including:

1. God’s Power:

Big bang cosmology demonstrates that the universe has not existed forever. It had a beginning and, thus, a Beginner. God’s capacity to create the entire universe guarantees His strength is sufficient to sustain us through any affliction, challenge, or trial we face.

2. God’s Transcendence:

Abundant scientific evidence attests that an Agent beyond the universe brought it into existence. As this supernatural Agent, God is not limited by the physical constraints this universe imposes. He both fills and transcends the universe, meaning that He can relate to every single person, all the time, without interruption.

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Jeff Zweerink

Jeff Zweerink is an astrophysicist with a Ph.D. from Iowa State University. He is a research scholar at Reasons To Believe, member of the research faculty at UCLA, and the author of Whoʼs Afraid of the Multiverse? Jeff lives in Southern California with his wife and their five children.

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