Some of the best times of the year are the spring, summer, and fall months. The warm weather, the shining sun, the cool breeze, and the fresh air are all wonderful elements to get you moving outdoors. If you have a gym membership, now is about the time when you are tired of being cooped up indoors running on a treadmill going nowhere or lifting those same weights you lifted for the past 4 months while it was so cold outside. Maybe you even decided not to exercise at all this past winter. Either way, now is the time to put your workout clothes back on and catch some Vitamin D.
We should understand that the Lord delights in everything we do – even exercise. He tells us in his scripture:
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
Exercise does not have to feel like work; it can be an extension of our worship time with God. We can walk and talk with Jesus. We can mediate on scripture with each pushup; we can reflect and give thanks to God for His wonderful creation just by being outside, looking around and appreciating all that He has done. Often times we find ourselves putting boundaries on our workout time with many rules and regulations, but the true fact is that we just need to learn how to move. Our bodies were designed by the great Creator, to move. Muscles were created to give us strength and power; why would we not train them?
Exercises to incorporate into your weekly routine:
Cardio and Strength training in one. Water provides resistance so any movements made by your body against the water will result in increase strength. By swimming laps in the pool you work on cardiovascular training.
Sprints / shuttle runs
At your local track, or any open field set up small cones about 10 yards apart and run sprints back and forth between each cone. Alternate your speeds and distances to challenge yourself or find a friend to race with.

Swing Lunge
Place your back foot in the swing and slowly bend your front leg until your thigh is parallel to the ground. (DO NOT let your knee come over your toe). Push through the heel of your foot and straighten your leg to stand back up. Repeat 15 reps on each side.
Monkey Bar Pull-ups
Grabbing a monkey bar lift yourself up as far as you can (goal is to lift your chin to bar height) then lower yourself down. If this is too hard to lift yourself off of the ground, find a lower bar and use your feet for support.
Bench dips
Sit on the edge of your park bench and lower your butt towards the ground. Keep your elbows pointed straight behind you and then lift your butt up by straightening your arms.

Jump squats
Find a high bar, stand with feet hip width apart and bending your knees to lower into a squat position, explode up jumping to touch the bar above you. Make sure you are not able to touch the bar when standing flat footed.
Remember, the sun is great for Vitamin D which helps support strong bones. When we dwell in the Son’s presence, His Joy will lift and strengthen us spiritually, emotionally, and physically.