In 2007, I had the opportunity to minister to the people of Malaysia. While there, I picked up the nickname “Dr. Joy” because I was so filled with joy and laughter as I prayed and saw people set free from oppressions, the lame walk, and new coverts come into the Kingdom of God. Laughter is a weapon many Christians forget is at their disposal. When the body is under attack, laughter can be as potent as medicine. In other areas, it can mean victory-a form of faith, or it can be a fatal blow in the face of the opposition.
Laughter is like medicine.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “a merry heart doeth good like a medicine?” Did you ever wonder who said that? God said it! He spoke this through His servant Solomon in Proverbs 17:22. Basically we can take a dose of laughter, the result of a merry heart, to cure our ills, overcome grief, defeat depression, and live a fulfilled life in Christ. A great example of how to take a dose is by watching Dr. Jesse DuPlantis, DVD, “A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine!”
You know we are pretty far along when the medical field starts catching on too. Based on an article entitled ‘Stress relief from laughter,’ laughter can help reduce stress and improve overall health (Mayo Clinic, 2021).
In Acts 13: 52, the apostles, men who followed Jesus’ ministry, “were filled with joy and the Holy Ghost“. Jesus said for those who believe, “out of their belly will flow rivers of living water” (John 7: 37-39 KJV). This “living water” refers to the Holy Spirit and the joy He brings. To me this kind of joy brings real laughter-Holy Spirit laughter. It is contagious, overflowing, and productive, providing life that flows from the deepest part of the spirit to all who will allow it to touch their own spirit.
Laughter can be a sign of victory.
When the banks of our heart become saturated with the Spirit of God, we are empowered to release our faith. Laughter can be seen as a sign of victory. Psalms 2:4 says, “But the one who rules in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them who oppose Him. God laughs at those who try to fight against Him.” The victory has been determined when Jesus was resurrected. If God can laugh, then we can, too, knowing that we also share in this victory.
Laughter is used to mock Satan.
Not only does God laugh, the Scripture says He also “scoffs”. In other words, God ridicules His enemies. They have no power, plotting “in vain” (Psalm 2:2) to do evil. Likewise, we, too, can mock Satan. I once saw a cartoon that said “The devil said what?” In response, the cartoon character was shown having a fit of laughter on the floor. Whatever the devil says, we should respond by laughing. Mock him, for whatever he says is a lie, nothing more than a bad joke. Laugh like it’s the funniest joke you have ever heard in your life. If he attacks your identity, laugh in his face; if he says you’re sick, laugh even harder; if he says you’ll never amount to anything roll over with laughter. Don’t you think it’s time you laugh at that “joker?”
So let’s exercise laughter, knowing that “the joy of the Lord is our strength!” Nehemiah 8:10. Just laugh!