William Struthers earned his Ph.D. in Biopsychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago where he worked on the neuroanatomy of male rat sexual behavior and gene expression. His laboratory research is on the effects of enriched environmental rearing on animal learning and cognition, particularly responses to novelty exposure and gene expression in the cingulate cortex and basal ganglia.
Dr. Struthers research employs the use of stereotaxic brain surgery on rats as well as immunochemistry and he has published papers in Brain Research, Physiology and Behavior, NeuroReport, Experimental Brain Research, and Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith.
His theoretical interests are in Neuroethics, the cognitive and neural basis of consciousness, and neuroscience/religion/culture issues. He leads a team of researchers focused on issues related to sexuality and problematic pornography use and is the author of Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain.