This 12-week Bible study workbook is a transformational journey involving mind, body, and spirit. On this journey, you will be required to bring the following items:
- The Bible: Use a version of your choice. Unless otherwise noted, the New Century Version is mainly used in this study.
- Journal Notebook: You will be asked to reflect and write. The Holy Spirit will speak to you on paper. Some revelations will be pleasant; some might be shocking; some might be epiphanies. The point is that journal writing must be approached thoughtfully and not pushed to the side.
- Life’s Experiences (Activities): The success of this study is based on you. The result is proportionate to the effort you invest. The activities are not optional assignments to the weekly lessons but applications of the Word of God that will accelerate change.
- Food Journal: Research has shown that people who keep a food journal are much more successful than others in losing weight. Although this is not a weight-loss program, a food journal is encouraged to foster a healthy lifestyle.
- Meditation: Learning to sit still in the presence of God is frequently practiced throughout this study. To quiet a chattering mind, one needs to learn how to be still and soak in God’s words.
Living healthy means being whole and healthy in our bodies, mind, and spirit. To experience this wholeness that Christ has already given to us, we may have to uproot old ways of thinking that have set us up for failure and implement principles that guarantee success. Ephesians 4:22-23 (Amplified) emphasizes the importance of this transformation:
Strip yourselves of your former nature [put off and discard your old unrenewed self] which characterized your previous manner of life and becomes corrupt through lusts and desires that spring from delusion;
And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude].
Without a healthy mind, how can we fulfill our purpose? Without a healthy body, how can we accomplish the work set out for us? How can we embrace the Holy Spirit of God without a healthy spirit?
Purchase the complete Heath & Wellness Bible Study Workbook today!