Be spiritually, physically, mentally and financially fit for the mission field”  ~Apostle Ollie Alexander

I have traveled abroad to Africa for over nine years.  My first missions trip was to Accra and Kumasi, Ghana West Africa in 2000.  The capital city of Ghana is Accra.  I ministered at several churches, orphanages and villages.  This was part of my training ground and during this time span I spent time in Kumasi with the “Queen Mother,” the mother of the King of Kumasi, ministers, government officials, and community leaders. This experience was both humbling and empowering as I observed the cultural climate of the Ghanaians people.  My assignment in Ghana lasted until 2004.

2006 Mission Trips to the Motherland – Kenya East Africa!
Nairobi is the capital city of Kenya, and the homeland of the family of our President of the United States, Barack Obama.  I took my first trip alone to Nairobi, Kenya East Africa at the request of my host, Bishop Justus Wanjala of Gospel Lighthouse Church International.

Highlights of my journey to Kenya in 2006
My trip began in Charlotte, NC with a lay-over in Washington, DC and on to Amsterdam, where I had a five-hour lay-over before departing for Nairobi. My trip to Kenya took about twenty-four hours. The time difference between Kenya and the US – Kenya is seven hour ahead the East Standard Time zone.  It was a great trip because I was spiritually and mentally prepared for the journey.  During my long flight, walking around within the airport and waiting; I had lots of time to reflect, pray and study my Bible, listen to gospel music and rest. 

I arrived in Nairobi, Kenya on a Saturday evening around 8pm, and was greeted by my host, Bishop Wanjala and his lovely wife.  After my arrival I settled in and fellowshipped with my hosts for a short period and off to bed I went in preparation to preach two services that Sunday at Gospel Lighthouse Church International.  My interpreter flowed well with me as I preached the gospel and God moved mightily!

Monday morning I got up early, got dress, had breakfast and we headed out for the missions field.  First, we visited the metropolitan areas, villages and the slums of Nairobi.   I ministered at several orphanages and children’s homes.  As we traveled, the roads were in very poor conditions with potholes that looked like small ponds, stagnate and dirty water with sewage drainage along the roadside.  However, I did not murmur or complain; my thoughts were “God, I am grateful!   How can I help impact the world?”

2007 Mission Trip to Kenya
As the visionary and founder of International Partnership Summits, Inc., a non-profit evangelistic partnership ministry, we held a successful marketplace Biblical Economic Empowerment Summit in Nairobi, Kenya at the Kenyatta International Conference Center for pastors, community leaders and businesses. IP Summits invited top instructors from Crown Financial Ministries – South Africa for this two-day training.  We were able to have a 5-member team travel to Nairobi to support this event.  During 2009-2010, the IP Summits, Inc. Teams continued to minister in different locations throughout Kenya: Naivasha, Mombasa and Ukunda.

Preparing for our Mission Trip
We had several weeks of briefings to learn the cultural and religious climate of the country where we would be traveling.  Many people who travel to third world countries sometimes experience cultural shock: spiritually, mentally, physically and financially.  Learning the foreign currency exchange and raising funds can be very challenging. But, when God says GO! You must become well-informed, purpose driven and ready for your mission assignment.

Exercises Required
Spiritual fitness: prayer, fasting, studying and confessing God’s Word daily; physical fitness:  eating healthy, exercising the body and the mind by staying focused on your assignment and keeping a positive attitude by remembering daily that we must be doers of the Word, not hearers only.

 A missions trip is not a vacation
It is a com-mission, an assignment from God which allows us to enjoy our journey and experience other cultures as we fulfill our God-given assignments of The Great Commission:  “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”  (Matthew 28:19-20 NIV)

If you are Fit for Missions and would like to travel with the IP Team, send your inquiry by Email: us*******@ya***.com

For more details about Crown’s Global Outreach – Go to click on Global/ Outreach/ Africa/ Kenya.

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About Author:

Picture of Ollie Alexander

Ollie Alexander

Anointed servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. She believes humility is the answer to servant-hood and faith without works is dead. (Matthew 6:33-NIV) She travels and minister throughout the USA and Africa: Conferences, Summits, Crusades, Revivals, Seminars and Healing Crusades with signs and wonders following the work of the Holy Spirit. Founder/CEO: [IP Summit] International Partnership Summit, Inc. [US & Africa] Radio Talk Show Hostess: "Face 2 Face with Apostle Ollie" [WAGL 1560am] TNG-TV – The Next Generation - Networking Television & Teen Summit USA Crown Financial Ministries International Trainer, The Inspiration Ministries [TV Networks] OVision Multimedia [Marketing & Media Relations for Ministries: TV/Radio Executive Producer and Creative Director – Television programs & Events

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