Garlic is one of the most used herbs today. Its aromatic properties and flavor-enhancing abilities make garlic a stable in kitchens around the world. I believe that any savory dish or comfort food must have garlic and its cousin the “onion” to truly be tasty. In my kitchen, garlic is king! I use fresh and powered garlic to enhance the flavor of most dishes I prepare. And believe it or not – garlic can even boost the flavor of carrot juice. That’s right; I add the juice of two large cloves of garlic to fresh carrot, celery, cucumber, and kale juice. Not only is this juice combination yummy, the garlic sends the antioxidants and cancer-fighting abilities of the juice through the roof!!
Other benefits of the phytochemicals
The New Optimum Nutrition Bible- Patrick Holford
Living Foods For Optimum Health – Brain R. Clement
Nourishing Traditions – Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, Ph.D
Cancer fighting phytochemicals
Garlic belongs to the allium genus and is a hardy perennial. As a matter of fact, allium is derived from the Greek word for garlic. Although garlic is rich in many vitamins and minerals, such as allin and allicin, chromium, phosphorus, and sulfur-containing amino acids, its main active ingredient is the sulfur compounds. These sulfur compounds work by waking up the enzymes that detoxify cancer-causing chemicals inside cells. The healing properties of garlic are well documented. A study conducted by a national cancer institute in china in 1989 revealed that provinces, where garlic was primarily used in their cooking, had the lowest rate of stomach cancer.Other benefits of the phytochemicals
Reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides
Prevention of abnormal blood clot formation
Reduction of high blood pressure
Protection against colon cancer
Prevention of parasitic infestations
Prevention and reduction of tumors including mammary tumors
Protection against nitrites and nitrates (found in smoked and preserved foods) from forming into cancer-causing nitrosamines
Here is a simple recipe where you can enjoy fresh raw garlic either on a salad or as a sandwich spread.
Garlic Dressing
- 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard – smooth or grainy
- 1 teaspoon of raw wine vinegar
- ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tablespoon expeller-pressed flax seed oil (optional)
- 1 clove garlic