buddhist altar

Have you ever thought about finding a place in your spirit that is better than sitting near a brook in a quiet forest, hearing the peaceful water flow? Jesus Christ is that flow, refreshing us, filling us with springs of living water. I have learned to take the effort to walk to that brook by that secret pathway to the sacred place.


I was born in Malaysia and brought up in a Buddhist family. In our home, we had an altar dedicated to Buddha. It was considered a sacred space in the home. We had a sense of reverence in this area of the house because it was the prayer room. I would go inside the room, light the joss stick and pray for my needs. I would also clean the altar in the evening. Because of this cultural imprint, I have had the idea that every home should have a holy place.

Later in life, I became a Christian. When God miraculously delivered me from death, I wanted to express my love for Him by creating a special, sacred place where I could be alone with Jesus. This time I was serving the true God.

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Picture of AnnLeng Martinez

AnnLeng Martinez

AnnLeng Martinez has been called to be a deep worshipper. Ever since she was miraculously healed of thirteen sicknesses, AnnLeng has chosen to live a life of being in God’s presence, focusing on spending as much time in personal worship as she can. Together with her husband of 20 years, Dan (an engineer), they have a heart for connecting people to God and to each other.

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