When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice (John 10:4). While not a fan of Facebook and Twitter, I am a blog reader.  I read blogs about cooking, parenting, homeschooling, crafting, Bible study, and marriage.  I love to read!  (Can you tell?) More than that, though, I love to learn about how people who produce good fruit in their lives do these things.  My hope is that if I can understand how they do these things with excellence, then maybe I can learn to do the same. This is not a bad thing.  It is good to look to those who you know are following hard after Him and do as they do.  Paul told believers to imitate him, as well as others who were Christ-following leaders. As I begin this new year, God has brought something to the center of my scattered attention.  When I’m trying to focus on Him in quiet prayer…in what I hope will be a two-way conversation…my head is buzzing with ideas and ways of doing things– ways of living a life of holiness, humility, and excellence. I’m distracted…with good things. But I remember that “good” is the enemy of “best”.  These voices are good, but His Voice is Best!  I have been so busy listening to the voices of others that my heart is not in tune to His.  Does this ever happen to you? This idea of a truly two-way conversation struck me more deeply as I read Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  Basically, Sarah prays and then listens for God’s response with a pen and notebook in hand. If she can do that, doesn’t that mean that I can, too? This thought has been sitting in my head for some time.  But now, God has brought it back to the forefront.  When I ask why I feel so scattered and stretched, He shows me.  He speaks to my spirit and tells me, “Kirsten, I want to speak to you every day, not just when you are struggling enough to take the time to sit and listen.  Then, you will not try to do everything.  There is time enough in the day to do what I have for you to do.” I want this too, of course!  At times, I have experienced it.  The times I have felt His voice…oh, they are glorious!  Powerful.  Unbelievably reassuring.  My heart overflows with love and my hands become busy with purposeful work.  Even when it is the hard truth, it feels good and cleansing. But then, things get better.  I go back to being on “my own” again, listening to everyone else, because it just seems easier.  All I have to do is turn on the computer and flip to my favorite blog, pick up a favorite devotional, or turn on a favorite podcast.  All “good” things. It feels different this time though.  Things are shifting. I feel a great urgency that there is no more time for play at this thing called prayer. We are His hands and feet in a lost and hurting world.  We are His people, who are called by His Name.  He has very specific work He wants each of us doing each day,  just like Jesus did. Jesus did not heal every sick person or drive out every demon.  He was not interested in “getting everything done” or serving as many people as He could. He walked this earth with one purpose:  to obey His Father. Our enemy wants us to be scattered light.  He will throw as many “good” things at us as we will catch.  He will put as many good talks, sermons, books and service opportunities in front of us as He can…if it keeps us from hearing the One Voice that will make all things clear. You and I were placed in this world, at this time in history, on purpose. When I first heard of the horrible tragedy in Connecticut, I cried.  I felt deep, crushing sadness for those children, parents, and teachers. I felt despair over the evil that invaded our world that feels like it’s getting closer. One of my first thoughts was of course for my precious girls, whom my husband and I are raising up to send out into this dark world where evil is so prevalent.  I felt cut off at the knees, to be frank.  What could I possibly teach them that would prepare them for what they will face? But, then, His Voice came, unbidden.  For such a time as this, He said. God put my children here, in our house, to be raised up on purpose, strong in Him, to go out and be a Light in a dark world, to bring hope to those who are hopeless, to love the unloveable. He brought them, just like Daniel and Esther, into this world for such a time as this.  He made me be a parent, for such a time as this. Our Mighty God has you in this world, for such a time as this. He knows what He is doing, and we don’t have to understand how it will all work out. Worship before work, and worship before warfare, as Pastor Adrian Rodgers loved to say.  Worship prepares our hearts for prayer because it helps us see things as they really are- God is bigger than everything else. As I begin my prayers with worship, I remember Who the Almighty God is that I have the privilege to serve, love, and be loved by!  He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  He is the God of Angel Armies, matchless in glory and power.  This is Who we follow.  This is who hides us in the shadow of His wings.  He knows the way. Friend, let us come before our Holy God in worship and praise.  Let us pray to Him and seek His will.  Let us listen for His Voice above all others.  He is speaking!


Jesus, thank You for coming to this earth and bearing our sins.  Thank you for rising from the dead and securing our eternity with You!  Pierce our hearts with Your love, so that we yearn to hear Your voice above all others.  There are so many voices, and they are noisy.  Everything around us tells us to listen and stay in tune. Put out Your Mighty hand and break the power of the clamoring noise.  Make Your Voice what we yearn for above all other things. Sanctify us and make us into Your Holy People.  Break our hearts for the lost and hurting around us.  Make us mighty warriors in prayer!  In Jesus’s Name, Amen.

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Picture of Kirsten Nelson

Kirsten Nelson

Kirsten Nelson grew up in the Northeast and received her B.S. in regular and special education from the University of Delaware, where she was a field hockey and lacrosse student–athlete for 4 years. She then spent 7 years as a 6th grade regular and special education teacher in Georgia, during which time she earned her Masters degree from Brenau University in Middle Grades Education. After her first child was born, Kirsten stayed at home and began serving on a part-time basis as a team lead and Board Member of Creating New Legacies, a women’s mentoring ministry. Now, Kirsten is a full- time stay at home mom in Roswell, Georgia, who feels blessed to have the opportunity to raise and guide her two little girls and love her husband. She is a work- in- progress who is passionate about God and His Word, and thankful every day for His abundant grace!

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