If you want to have a good marriage, be sure to talk to your fiancé/ fiancée about finances, children, careers, and in-laws you get married. Most couples are counseled with this advice, and it is good advice.
But most engaged couples are never told that there is an issue that can cause more problems in their marriage than any of these. And that issue is porn.
Today pornography is offered to us in magazines, in movies, in books, on the computer, and on mobile devices. What makes porn so devastating to marriage is that it distorts a man’s view of women, sex, and marriage. Worst still, porn makes a man selfish, concerned only with gratifying his own sexual desires, at the expense of his wife’s happiness.
If you’re planning to be married or you’re counseling a couple that is planning to marry, or you are married and something seems not right in your relationship but you can’t put a finger on the problem, then read Tom’s story in Transformational Living magazine. You will find some practical and professional information to help you head off or deal with a deceptive, destructive problem.