This woman running combines her faith and fitness to excel in physical, mental and spiritual health.

Family history and aging can be risk factors for certain diseases. However, the study of epigenetics has revealed that external or environmental factors can turn specific genes predisposed to diseases on or off. This information is vital and empowering in preventing many diseases, such as breast cancer. One main way to prevent breast cancer is to make exercise a lifestyle to achieve optimum health and wellness.

Physical Activity Reduces Breast Cancer Risk

According to the Europe PubMed Central journal, physical activity is associated with a lower risk of developing certain specific cancers, particularly colon and breast cancers. For women, in particular, there is a 20-30% reduction in breast cancer risk compared with inactive women, says the report. “It also appears that 30-60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity is needed to decrease the risk of breast cancer.”

A number of studies, in particular the one documented in The New England Journal of Medicine, also suggest that the effect of physical activity may be different across levels of BMI, with the greatest benefit seen in lean women in the normal weight range who exercised at least four hours per week. 

Biological Connection Between Physical Activity and Breast Cancer

The National Cancer Institute states that researchers have identified the following biological connection between exercise and breast cancer:

Exercise lowers hormone levels

Women with high levels of estrogen have an increased risk of breast cancer. Exercise lowers blood estrogen. Older women are not exempt, although estrogen levels begin to decrease as a woman enters menopause:

Even older women need to be concerned about estrogen, as the hormone is produced by fat cells after menopause. Women who exercise have less fat and, therefore, produce less estrogen.

Exercise lowers insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I)

Insulin has been identified as a cancer-promoting hormone. Insulin makes cells grow. Insulin resistance leads to an increase in body fat. “As your body fat increases, so does an enzyme in your fat called aromatase. Aromatase turns hormones made in other organs in your body (such as your adrenal glands) into estrogen. That means your estrogen levels are raised even more, making your risk of breast cancer that much greater”, claims an article from Dr. Mark Hyman’s blog site entitled “Breast Cancer: How to Reduce Your Risk Now.”

Exercise improves immune response

A journal article entitled “Exercise and Immune Function” by David Nieman and Bente Pedersen documents that Regular exercise, such as a brisk walk almost every day, and Regular exercise, such as a brisk walk nearly every day, will boost the immune system and reduce sick days by half.

Exercise assists with weight maintenance to avoid a high body and excess body fat

Food is energy. Any unused energy in the body will be stored as fat. Fat is, therefore, stored energy. Regular exercise helps to reduce body fat. A brisk walk, not a leisurely walk, every day will do wonders for the body, including the heart and lungs. Resistance training is also important in helping the body’s metabolism be more efficient in burning calories.

Although not mentioned by The National Cancer Institute, exercise can also help alleviate stress in our bodies.

Exercise helps the body to be more adept at handling stress

Stress affects our lives greatly. It can trigger chemical changes in our bodies and “turn on” certain genes, which should remain dormant. However, with regular exercise and nutrition, we can control some of the adverse effects of stress on our bodies and thereby help our bodies to remain healthy.

Knowing is not enough. It is also essential to become a doer regarding your health and wellness. If you’re struggling to find time to exercise, short intervals of 20-30 minutes are better than nothing. Aim for consistency and small steps. Most of all, remember you are not alone. You have the help of the Holy Spirit, who is only a prayer away. Pray and include God in your plans, and you will succeed. It takes faith and fitness to achieve your health and wellness goals too!


Lee, IM, Physical activity and cancer prevention—data from epidemiologic studies. Europe PubMed Central, 35(11): 1823-1827 (2003).

Inger Thune, M.D. ET AL. Physical activity and the risk of breast cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine, 336: 1269-1275 (1997).

Nieman, D., ET AL. Exercise and the immune function. Sports Med, 27(2): 73-80 (1999).

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Picture of Etta Hornsteiner

Etta Hornsteiner

Etta Hornsteiner has spent 12 years as an Educator teaching both English and Acting. Her love for fitness led her into bodybuilding competitions and later into a career as a personal trainer. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors from Acadia University in Nova Scotia, Canada in English and minors in Sociology and Spanish, a Master’s degree in Education with emphasis in Theatre from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia, a Master's degree in Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching from Maryland University of Integrative Health, and a coaching certificate from Duke Integrative Health. She is certified by the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaching and the International Coaching Federation. She is the author of the Ten Guiding Lights to Health and Wholeness.

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