joy of sabbath

Sabbath (Shabbat as it is called in Hebrew) is one of the healthiest, joyful and family friendly celebrations we can partake in.  Sadly, in the last 60 years, it is also the most neglected by believers in many denominations.  Just looking at old TV reruns we can see how much our attitude of Sabbath has changed.  The Walton’s, Little House on the Prairie, Andy Griffith, all showed people who would not consider working on  Sunday, or shopping on Sunday, or even eating at a restaurant on Sunday.  So what has changed and what are the benefits of keeping Sabbath?

So What Changed?

Many will blame failure to “honor the Sabbath” on our hectic lifestyle and schedules. While indeed we do live in hectic times, is that the only reason; or could it reflect on much more serious issues: our view of G-d (Jews and Messianic Jews always leave the vowels out of L-rd or G-d to ensure G-d’s name cannot be destroyed), our commitment to G-d, our commitment to walk in the ways of the Master, and even our commitment to our family?  Search the scriptures diligently and you will see the Messiah never failed to honor Sabbath and the entire scripture is the Sabbath from creation on, for G-d rested on the 7th day (note Sabbath was first commanded in Exodus).

To a traditional Jew or Messianic Jew (a Jew who lives as a Jew and acknowledges Yeshua Ha’Nazaret [Jesus of Nazareth in English] as the Messiah), the keeping of Sabbath (Shabbat for Jews) is assumed.  We see in Exodus that the penalty for breaking Shabbat was death.  Now you may say “but Messiah freed us from all that”.  While truly Messiah freed us from the penalties, He did not free us from obedience to G-d.  Most denominations acknowledge the “10 commandments” (there are actually 613 of which Traditional & many Messianic Jews keep about 180).  “Honor the Sabbath” is listed in the 10.  While we may differ on which day to honor Sabbath (Jews &  Messianic Jews keep Shabbat on Friday sundown to Saturday sundown), we are all instructed to keep Sabbath.  I assume we all agree to the other 9, no murder, stealing, etc., so why would this one not be honored?

Honoring G-d– trusting in His Messiah, are all elements essential to a relationship with Him. So is obedience, we are told: if you love me, keep my commandments. We are told a good tree bears good fruit.  So we need to evaluate our lives to ensure we indeed love Him, we indeed bear good fruit.

Benefits of keeping Sabbath

The benefits of keeping Sabbath are numerous.  Instead of just listing them, I prefer to give some examples:

Example 1 – According to statistics, the average Christian prays about 30 seconds daily, and the average pastor about 1 minute.  Is that all we give to G-d?




man and wifeExample 2 – The divorce rate in many denominations is soaring; some studies show it slightly higher than the general population (over 50%), yet in the traditional Jewish community it hovers around 10%.  Well you may say, Judaism must not allow divorce.  But that is not correct, Judaism views divorce as less of an issue than most denominations.  So what is going on?  While it can’t be just Sabbath, the attitude of a day of rest spent with G-d and family permeates the life of every observant Jew.  Imagine a day set apart, no TV, no running off to shop, or eat out; a time to sit at the table together, read scripture together, pray together and eat together.   Note the key word – together.

Example 3 – A teacher was asking students about Holidays, she came to a young Jewish boy and asked about Sabbath.  She asked, what do you like least, he responded, “I can’t watch TV”.  She then asked what he liked most, he said it was the one day daddy didn’t have to rush off and leave.

Example 4 – According to medical sources stress is at an all time high and is a contributing factor to heart attacks and the ability to resist many diseases.



In the above examples we see the effects of our hurried life, let’s look at each:

G-d – Example 1 reflects a general degradation of our personal life with G-d. Our lives have become so busy we barely even pray.  The Messiah’s command when He ascended was not to baptize people, or to get people saved; it was to make disciples.  A disciple in the Master’s time would: live close to his Master, would eat with his Master, would learn every word of his Master, would do the works of his Master.  In every way his life would be molded to his Master.  How much time do you and your family spend with G-d?

Family – In example 2 & 3 we can see the effects on our families today and how the time together– keeping the Sabbath can begin the process of rebuilding our families and our marriages. Let’s begin lowering the divorce rate, let’s turn off the TV’s and not have to rush off.

Stress – Stress kills, there is no doubt. G-d has given us wonderful bodies that can heal.  Taking 1 day a week to rest, to enjoy, to worship, will help your body recover, it will improve mental and physical health in most people.  It will help us get our priorities back.

Sabbath reinforces our priorities in life, G-d and Family. I’m afraid that too many people have their priorities way off; instead of G-d, Family, Work, it has become Work, Work and Work with a little G-d and family thrown in.  The Messiah said “come to me you who are heavily laden and I will give you rest”.  He has given us rest, both spiritually and physically; He gave us atonement for sin and Shabbat for physical and emotional rest.  It’s up to you to take advantage of His gift.

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Picture of Rabbi Gavriel Moreno-Bryars

Rabbi Gavriel Moreno-Bryars

Rabbi Gavri’el is the Sr. Rabbi at Congregation Beth Ha’Mashiach. He has a Masters Degree in Messianic Theology from MBI. For more information go to

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