180 Rotations

Your posture communicates many things that are going on inside of you such as your feelings of confidence,
tiredness, weakness, stressed, or joyfulness. Being aware of your posture will help you become more aware of what you are feeling inside and what you are projecting to other people about yourself.  One way to improve your posture is maintain a strong back and shoulder muscles.

Here’s how:

Step 1:  Lie face-down on a mat with your arms extended alongside your ears.

Step 2: Slowly lift your head and upper chest off the mat and circle both of your arms outward and back until you
feel your fingers touch your glutes.

Step 3: Reverse the motion bringing your arms to the starting position, then repeat.

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About Author:

Picture of Etta Hornsteiner

Etta Hornsteiner

Etta Hornsteiner has spent 12 years as an Educator teaching both English and Acting. Her love for fitness led her into bodybuilding competitions and later into a career as a personal trainer. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors from Acadia University in Nova Scotia, Canada in English and minors in Sociology and Spanish, a Master’s degree in Education with emphasis in Theatre from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia, a Master's degree in Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching from Maryland University of Integrative Health, and a coaching certificate from Duke Integrative Health. She is certified by the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaching and the International Coaching Federation. She is the author of the Ten Guiding Lights to Health and Wholeness.

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