Silence Speaks: Listening to Hear God

My father used to introduce me when I was a child this way: “This is my daughter, Beth. She has a speech impediment. She has to breathe.” While this comment was about the rapidity with which I speak, it seems to me to be an excellent metaphor for our cultural life. It never stops to […]
VIDEO: The Power of Words

Watch this touching video The Power of Words, to see how changing just a few words can make a dramatic difference in your life and in the lives of those around you.
INTERVIEW: Words Can Change your Brain

Based on his book, Words Can Change your Brain, Dr. Newberg answers questions on how words impact our health, how certain words change the genetic structure of our brains, and how we can use words, specifically the Word of God, to impact our lives physically, mentally and spiritually. Other Questions and more… Do affirmations really […]
Shape your Destiny with your Words

What do you want your life to look like when you step into Heaven and stand before Almighty God? I know what I want mine to reflect. My deepest desire is to say, “Father, I fulfilled all that You foresaw for my life,” and hear Him respond, “Well done, My good and faithful servant.” The […]
Words: The Power of Life and Death are in the Tongue

As children we are taught “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” While that is a nice thought and an effort to protect our children from the damage words can cause, is it true? Biblically, the answer is no. We are taught that Life and Death are in the […]
What We Do With Words

We must show love to each other in our deeds and, just as important, in our words. What we choose to do with words in our communications can show love, respect, and kindness, uplift the spirit, and bolster morale. Or, our words can evoke an ugliness that pierces a person’s very soul and can have […]
Words and the Mighty Tongue

Our words are a powerful force for good or evil. We need to acknowledge the power of words and guard our speech. It’s been said that trying to take back words is like trying to put toothpaste back into a tube. The mess created by both scenarios isn’t hard to imagine. Indeed, our words possess […]
The Affects Stress Can Have on the Nervous System

To say one is “stressed out” these days is as common as sliced bread. Stress can be defined as any stimulus that upsets normal physical and mental function. As a matter of fact, it is estimated that between 70% and 80% of all visits to the hospital or to the doctor are for stress-related illnesses. […]
Healing Through Writing

Writing. It has always been my go-to. My happy place. It has for years brought me comfort and peace. When my father passed away, I wrote. When my marriage was in crisis, I wrote. And it helped. It didn’t solve any of my problems. My father was no longer with me; nothing was going to […]
Chilled Asparagus Soup with Spinach and Avocado

Nutrient rich and perfect for the hot days still remaining-you will love this soup. Great for summer and fall. Serves 4 Serve this no-cook soup straight from the blender or well chilled during warmer months. 1 cucumber peeled 8 ounces asparagus 2 cups cold water 4 ounces spinach 4 scallions 1 ripe, firm avocado ¼ […]